Willkommen! Welcome!

Hi, my name is Markus. I hope to create something long-term and highly socially relevant.

Photography of Markus Toran infront of the KIT-Department of Computer Science

I went to school in Karlsruhe, first to the Helmholtz-Gymnasium and later to the Carl-Engler-Schule, graduating there in 2018.

After school, I studied computer science at the KIT, where I completed my bachelor degree in november 2021 with a thesis about verification of fairness properties for seat appointment methods. I finished my computer science master program and specialized in IT Security. I have written my master’s thesis about IT Security and User Experience in the domain of Digital Identites.

Currently, I am working as a security consultant at Secorvo Security Consulting GmbH in Karlsruhe.


Beyond the world of cs, I have a deep appreciation for films, music, and art. I’m an cyclist and occasionally indulge in video games.

Film Recommendations:

Artsistic Inspirations

I like the paintings among others of Kandinsky, Pollock and Haring. My favorite painting is Composition in Red, Yellow, Blue and Black by Piet Mondrian.

Mission Statement

My vision is to realize secure use of IT-Systems for all members of society, especially in high-impact domains. My goal is to contribute to this vision by working at the intersection of the three pillars of human-centered design, software engineering and IT Security, based on my values of fairness, participation, openness and creativity. Interdisciplinary approaches are required, and the economic, legal, and social aspects of IT Security are as important as the technical ones. I want to work on the computer science aspects, but I also want to understand the other aspects and collaborate with people from other fields. I believe this work is meaningful because it benefits society and individuals. The progressive use of computers can contribute to development goals. Applications need security functionalities, but in order to be used beneficially and gain acceptance, technology must meet people where they are. For me, it is important that my work has real-world applications and does not remain an end in itself. In order to do outstanding work, founded expertise must be combined with visionary thinking. I strive to drive technology and innovation forward.

Volunteering and Memberships

Previously I was also:


Feel free to reach out to me for any inquiries, collaboration opportunities, or just to connect:

Contact me about anything where you believe I can make a meaningful contribution, also I am always happy to meet new people.


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  • Cocktail manager

    Drink Manager, built with Flutter and Dart, is a mobile app aggregating recepies and information of cocktails and other drinks. The recepies are pulled from the wonderful TheCocktailDB.

  • Rent and Lend

    Rent and Lend is a lending app. It was developed by me, together with other computer science students, as part of the curricula. It was developed using the mandatory waterfall model. We spent a few hours on it, and it worked quite well.